With Billgang, customers can top-up their account balance to pay for products and unlock exclusive rewards. Our balance product is available for your storefront only and does not overlap with other storefronts. This is only available on our paid subscription plans.
Step 1: Set up the customer account balance feature
Navigate to the payment settings by navigating to https://dash.billgang.com/settings/payments.
Top on the edit pen for "Balance" and make sure it's enabled. If it's not enabled, toggle it on.
Step 2: Enable customer top-ups for specific payment types
Businesses can manually add or deduct customer balances, but customers also have the option of transferring their funds from other payment sources to their account balance.
We recommend setting up as much payment types so that customers aren't limited by what payment types they can use to top up their account.
Step 3: Enable customer balance for specific products
Go to your product settings at https://dash.billgang.com/products.
Edit the product you want to associate with the "Balance" payment method.
In the product settings, look for the payment options section.
Select "Balance" as one of the payment methods for the product.
Step 4: Confirm that currencies are the same (IMPORTANT)
It's essential to ensure that the currency used for the "Balance" payment method matches the currency stored in your customers' accounts.
Customers won't be able to make purchases using a currency different from their account balance. Therefore, both the currency balance and the payment type must be the same.